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                ABOUT US

                Profile History Honor
                Current Location › Entering PENGYUANProfile


                PENGYUAN (Group) is located in Hangzhou, known as "paradise on earth". Relying on the market advantages of talents, science and technology and economy brought by the Yangtze River Delta, PENGYUAN (Group) has formed an enterprise industry ecosystem based on three major industries, namely new materials, environmental protection technology and special paper, after years of development.

                Found at 2004
                Manufacturing Experience 16Year+
                Employees 300+
                Service Object 500+

                Six Industrial Areas

                • Packaging Materials

                  Pengyuan Group focuses on the research and development, production and sales of new nanomaterials. Products are widely used in building energy-saving insulation, long-distance heat transmission network energy-saving, modern agriculture, national defense and military industry, food and drug packaging, special packaging and other fields.

                • Modern Agriculture

                  Pengyuan Group actively responds to customer needs and provides R&D, production and construction of energy-saving insulation materials for their actual needs. Sign long-term strategic cooperation agreements with New Hope Group, Bright Dairy, Huaneng Group, etc.

                • Cold Chain Logistics

                  With the gradual increase of people’s food quality and safety awareness, the advantages of cold chain logistics have become increasingly prominent. Because of its higher requirements for preservation, there are more stringent regulations on packaging. With the continuous improvement of national living standards, consumers Put forward a higher quality pursuit and yearning for the quality of life, and how to eat healthier food is the mainstream thinking of modern people. Therefore, a variety of fresh foods are favored by consumers, which promotes fresh food. The actual development of the overall cold chain logistics.

                • Heat Conduction Materials

                  The special nano airbag reflective layer for long-distance heat transmission network is a third-generation product specially developed for heat insulation of heat network pipelines and equipment. After use, the efficiency of the heat network is increased by more than 8% and the investment in pipe network construction is saved by more than 8%. Nano airbag reflective layer products have passed more than 100 heat network project verifications, and have model projects in more than 20 provinces and cities in China. The energy-saving effect is remarkable, and the five major power groups are competing to adopt them.

                • Building Materials

                  Electrolytic capacitor paper is a special material for the production process of lead paste adhesion on the production line of the lead-acid battery drawn-net (extended) plate production line. As a drafter of national standards, we have become a long-term partner of well-known listed battery companies at home and abroad such as Camel, Leoch International, Fengfan, Tianneng and other well-known listed battery companies at home and abroad with the technical advantages and cost advantages of ultra-international products.

                • Packaging Materials

                  It is used to manufacture packaging containers, packaging decoration, packaging printing, packaging and transportation and other materials used to meet product packaging requirements. We are committed to serving customers with high-quality products, making Pengyuan people's own packaging products, and being a trustworthy enterprise.

                Enterprise Spirit

                ”Take the customer as the core and strive for the oriented“


                Company Name:Zhejiang Pengyuan New Material Co., Ltd. - Insulation Material, VMPET, PE COATED MPET, Laminated Aluminum Foil, Aluminum Foil Foam, Aluminum Foil Bubble

                Address:No.2-9 Anxi Road, Liangzhu Street, Yuhang District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province


                Pengyuan Group 网站建设 : WEETOP    浙ICP备16014200号-4